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GE – 19.2 Cu. Ft. Top-Freezer Refrigerator – Slate

$53.16/Week* as low as $45.00/Week*
Other Payment Frequency
Retail Price: $999.99 $1,181.24Availability:Most products are available for same day pickup at your local Store.

Keep your food and snacks fresh and easily accessible even in the garage with this GE top-freezer refrigerator. The large refrigerator capacity and edge-to-edge adjustable glass shelves and bins in both compartments ensure variety of organization options, so you always have enough space for your groceries.

GE 19.1 Cu. Ft. Top-Freezer Refrigerator

Owner's manual

Width: 29 3/4 inches

Height: 66 3/8 inches

Depth: 34 1/2 inches